Saturday, June 4, 2011

Then there were 12

Latest picture of the yard.

As you notice, there are now 12 hives.  Interesting fact, one hive has now been split into 5, and would have been seven if all the queens had been successfully hatched and mated.

Here's a picture I took a few weeks ago of the best kind of frame beside the honey kind.  This frame is wall to wall capped brood.  If you can get three deeps like this, and a good honey flow coming up, you have a winning situation.  This year, instead of turning this into honey, I'm turning it into more bees.  On my way to 16, I have split 5 into ten and added two swarms which makes 12.  Just waiting for my four queens to come, and then I should have my goal of 16 for the year.

Another goal reached, now all of my frames of worker comb are currently in a hive and being protected from wax moths.  Next goal is 16 hives and six deeps of honey comb on for protection, otherwise, I'll have to melt it.  Not a bad option, but not the best either.

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