Here's today's obligatory apiary picture.
Here's a picture of the queen from one hive.
Here's a picture from another hive.
Here's one.
And finally this one.
One wasn't available for comment.
Actually, the problem is that one is pretty large and I couldn't find the queen. The other four are smaller in comparison and the queen is a bit easier to find. They are small primarily due to the skunk predation I've been experiencing lately, but I've taken steps to prevent that in the future. Now I need to get them caught up. With warm weather for the foreseeable future, this will be easier. I can Robin Hood frames of brood from the best hive and get the others to critical mass. I haven't been able to do that lately because the smaller hives couldn't keep the brood warm and it just died.
Here's a picture of the queen from one hive.
Here's a picture from another hive.
Here's one.
And finally this one.
One wasn't available for comment.
Actually, the problem is that one is pretty large and I couldn't find the queen. The other four are smaller in comparison and the queen is a bit easier to find. They are small primarily due to the skunk predation I've been experiencing lately, but I've taken steps to prevent that in the future. Now I need to get them caught up. With warm weather for the foreseeable future, this will be easier. I can Robin Hood frames of brood from the best hive and get the others to critical mass. I haven't been able to do that lately because the smaller hives couldn't keep the brood warm and it just died.
Thanks for postinng this